---- twily has joined the chat.
twily: chat functionality, this site source is also in ~/www inc the chat, but the simple way i'm handling it is ajax (js to php and back), example in this file https://twily.info/firefox/template.ajax.php#view (raw preview doesn't work there, i put a demo in comments on that file)
twily: use for any data transmit live though, without needing refresh etc, it just replaces the websocket which is the standard today xP server side in my case, everything is a file, put a line in the file, and read back etc .. "sent" x)
twily: and nice, i remember finding some links to here in r/unixporn at some point since the ricing era on /g/ xP
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twily: https://twily.info/twily2025.mp4
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WoodenBro: How do I actually install this theme? Can't find a step by step guide to do this.
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twily: I'm not sure which config, there's configs to various programs here you can find in the ~/help.$ file, the firefox theme may be outdated as it is not maintained
twily: leave a comment on a relevant file and I'll find it in ~/comments.$ x)
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parsa: wow
parsa: whats this
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guest884: ?
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guest269: hello
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guest745: hi
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benis: benis
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twily: https://twily.info/riskyclick.png 😋
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---- twily has joined the chat.
twily: ^ reminder also, wallpaper thingy open to all and available in ~/scripts/display/ana-wall.sh xP https://twily.info/anawallnsfw.png
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widehardo: we wide
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arsntei: yo
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