-- [[ | -- If LuaRocks is installed, m
-- | -- found (e.g. lgi). If LuaRoc
-- AWESOME WM CONFIG by D | pcall(require, "luarocks.loade
-- |
-- ]] | -- Standard awesome library
| local gears = require("gears")
gears = require("gea | local awful = require("awful")
awful = require("awf | require("awful.autofocus")
awful.rules = require("awf | -- Widget and layout library
awful.autofoxus = require("awf | local wibox = require("wibox")
vicious = require("vic | -- Theme handling library
wibox = require("wib | local beautiful = require("bea
beautiful = require("bea | -- Notification library
naughty = require("nau | local naughty = require("naugh
menubar = require("men | local menubar = require("menub
| local hotkeys_popup = require(
layouts = require("lay | -- Enable hotkeys help widget
center = require("wib | -- when client with a matching
| require("awful.hotkeys_popup.k
-- Run Once | -- Load Debian menu entries
function run_once(cmd) | local debian = require("debian
findme = cmd | local has_fdo, freedesktop = p
firstspace = cmd:find( |
if firstspace then | -- {{{ Error handling
findme = cmd:s | -- Check if awesome encountere
end | -- another config (This code w
awful.util.spawn_with_ <
end <
run_once("compton --config /ho <
run_once("echo 'Welcome back T <
--run_once("urxvt -g 100x25") <
local oldspawn = awful.util.sp <
awful.util.spawn = function (s <
oldspawn(s, false) <
end <
-- Error handling <
if awesome.startup_errors then if awesome.startup_errors then
naughty.notify({ | naughty.notify({ preset =
preset = naugh | title = "
title = "Oops, | text = aw
text = awesome <
}) <
end end
-- Handle runtime errors | -- Handle runtime errors after
do do
> local in_error = false
> awesome.connect_signal("de
> -- Make sure we don't
> if in_error then retur
> in_error = true
> naughty.notify({ prese
> title
> text
in_error = false in_error = false
awesome.connect_signal | end)
-- Avoid endle <
if in_error th <
in_error = tru <
naughty.notify <
preset <
title <
text = <
}) <
in_error = fal <
end) <
end end
> -- }}}
| -- {{{ Variable definitions
-- Variable Definition | -- Themes define colours, icon
home = os.getenv("H | beautiful.init(gears.filesyste
config_dir = home .. " |
| -- This is used later as the d
beautiful.init(config_dir .. " | terminal = "x-terminal-emulato
| editor = os.getenv("EDITOR") o
terminal = "urxvt" | editor_cmd = terminal .. " -e
editor = "vim" |
editor_cmd = terminal .. | -- Default modkey.
gui_editor = "leafpad" | -- Usually, Mod4 is the key wi
browser = "firefox-nig | -- If you do not like this or
tasks = terminal .. | -- I suggest you to remap Mod4
volctrl = "Master" | -- However, you can use anothe
| modkey = "Mod4"
modkey = "Mod4" |
altkey = "Mod1" | -- Table of layouts to cover w
| awful.layout.layouts = {
| awful.layout.suit.floating
-- Layout Table | awful.layout.suit.tile,
local layouts = { | awful.layout.suit.tile.lef
awful.layout.suit.floa | awful.layout.suit.tile.bot
layouts.uselesstile, | awful.layout.suit.tile.top
--awful.layout.suit.ti | awful.layout.suit.fair,
layouts.twily | awful.layout.suit.fair.hor
> awful.layout.suit.spiral,
> awful.layout.suit.spiral.d
> awful.layout.suit.max,
> awful.layout.suit.max.full
> awful.layout.suit.magnifie
> awful.layout.suit.corner.n
> -- awful.layout.suit.corne
> -- awful.layout.suit.corne
> -- awful.layout.suit.corne
} }
> -- }}}
| -- {{{ Menu
-- Wallpaper | -- Create a launcher widget an
--if beautiful.wallpaper then | myawesomemenu = {
-- for s = 1, screen.co | { "hotkeys", function() hot
-- gears.wallpa | { "manual", terminal .. " -
-- end | { "edit config", editor_cmd
--end | { "restart", awesome.restar
| { "quit", function() awesom
-- Tags <
tags = { <
--names = { "/main/", <
names = { " ▫ ", " ▣ ", <
--layout = { layouts[3 <
layout = { layouts[1], <
} }
for s = 1, screen.count() do <
tags[s] = awful.tag(ta <
end <
> local menu_awesome = { "awesom
> local menu_terminal = { "open
--menu_sep="" | if has_fdo then
menu_sep="--------------" | mymainmenu = freedesktop.m
| before = { menu_awesom
-- Menu | after = { menu_termin
myaccessories = { | })
{ "7-Zip", "7zFM" }, | else
{ "Calculator", "galcu | mymainmenu = awful.menu({
{ "Leafpad", gui_edito <
{ "Thunar", "thunar" } <
} <
myinternet = { <
{ "Nightly", browser } <
{ "Thunderbird", "thun <
{ menu_sep, "" }, <
--{ "transmission", "t <
{ "FileZilla", "filezi <
{ "Irrsi", terminal .. <
{ "rTorrent", terminal <
{ "Wicd", terminal .. <
} <
mymedia = { <
{ "Ncmpcpp", terminal <
{ "Spotify", "spotify" <
{ "VLC", "vlc" }, <
{ menu_sep, "" }, <
{ "Volume", terminal . <
} <
mygames = { <
{ "ArmagetronAd", "arm <
{ "Minecraft", "sh /ho <
{ "NetHack", terminal <
{ "Stone-Soup", termin <
} <
mygraphics = { <
{ "Colors", "gcolor2" <
{ "Gimp", "gimp" }, <
{ menu_sep, "" }, <
{ "Feh", "feh /home/tw <
{ "Sxiv", "sxiv -tsr / <
} <
myoffice = { <
{ "Libre Base", "libre <
{ "Libre Calc", "libre <
{ "Libre Draw", "libre <
{ "Libre Impress", "li <
{ "Libre Math", "libre <
{ "Libre Writer", "lib <
} <
mysystem = { <
--{ "GTK-Theme", "gtk- <
{ "GTK-Theme", "lxappe <
{ "Lock Screen", "/hom <
{ "Process Viewer", ta <
{ menu_sep, "" }, <
{ "Logout", "killall a <
{ "Reboot", "reboot" } <
{ "Shutdown", "powerof <
{ menu_sep, "" }, <
{ "Performance", "sh / <
{ "Quality", "sh /home <
} <
mymainmenu = awful.menu({ <
items = { items = {
{ "Ranger", te | menu_awesome
{ "Terminal", | { "Debian",
{ menu_sep, "" | menu_termina
{ "Accessories | }
{ "Games", myg | })
{ "Graphics", | end
{ "Internet", <
{ "Media", mym <
{ "Office", my <
{ "System", my <
} <
}) <
mylauncher = awful.widget.laun <
image = beautiful.awes <
menu = mymainmenu <
}) <
-- WIBOX <
-- Kernel Info <
syswidget = wibox.widget.textb <
vicious.register( syswidget, v <
-- Uptime <
uptimewidget = wibox.widget.te <
vicious.register( uptimewidget <
-- Cpu <
cpuwidget = wibox.widget.textb <
vicious.register( cpuwidget, v <
-- Ram <
memwidget = wibox.widget.textb <
vicious.register( memwidget, v <
-- Clock <
mytextclock = awful.widget.tex <
mytextclock:buttons(awful.util <
awful.button({ }, 1, funct <
)) <
-- Mpd <
mpdwidget = wibox.widget.textb <
vicious.register( mpdwidget, v <
if args["{state}"] == "Sto <
return "" <
else <
return '<span color="# <
end <
end, 1) <
-- Volume | mylauncher = awful.widget.laun
volumewidget = wibox.widget.te |
vicious.register(volumewidget, <
local volbar = "" <
local volico = "<span colo <
local vol = math.floor(arg <
volbar = "<span color='".. <
string.rep("⮶",vol).. <
"</span><span color='" <
string.rep("⮶",10-vol). <
if args[2] == "♩" then <
volico = volico.."⮝" <
else <
if args[1] > 20 then <
volico = volico.."⮞ <
else <
volico = volico.."⮟ <
end <
end <
volico = volico.."</span>" <
return volico..' '..volbar | -- Menubar configuration
end, 1, volctrl ) | menubar.utils.terminal = termi
volumewidget:buttons(awful.uti | -- }}}
awful.button({ }, 1, funct |
)) | -- Keyboard map indicator and
> mykeyboardlayout = awful.widge
> -- {{{ Wibar
> -- Create a textclock widget
> mytextclock = wibox.widget.tex
> -- Create a wibox for each scr
> local taglist_buttons = gears.
> awful.butt
> awful.butt
> awful.butt
> awful.butt
> awful.butt
> awful.butt
> )
-- Battery | local tasklist_buttons = gears
batwidget = wibox.widget.textb | awful.but
vicious.register(batwidget, vi |
local batbar = "" |
local batico = "<span colo |
local bat = math.floor(arg |
batbar = "<span color='".. |
string.rep("⮶",bat).. |
"</span><span color='" |
string.rep("⮶",10-bat). |
if args[1] == "↯" then | awful.but
batico = batico.."⮎" |
elseif args[1] == "+" then |
batico = batico.."⮒" | awful.but
elseif args[1] == "-" then |
if args[2] > 60 then |
batico = batico.."⮏ | awful.but
elseif args[2] > 10 th |
batico = batico.."⮑ |
else |
batico = batico.."⮐ | local function set_wallpaper(s
> -- Wallpaper
> if beautiful.wallpaper the
> local wallpaper = beau
> -- If wallpaper is a f
> if type(wallpaper) ==
> wallpaper = wallpa
end end
> gears.wallpaper.maximi
end end
batico = batico.."</span>" | end
return batico..' '..batbar <
end, 5, "BAT0" ) <
batwidget:buttons(awful.util.t <
awful.button({ }, 1, funct <
)) <
-- Spacer <
space = wibox.widget.textbox() <
space:set_text(' ') <
-- Sepearator <
sepa = wibox.widget.textbox() <
sepa:set_text(' ') <
separator = wibox.widget.image <
separator:set_image(awful.util <
-- Create MyTaskbox <
mytaskbox = {} <
mytasklist = {} <
mytasklist.buttons = awful.uti <
awful.button({ }, 1, f <
if c == client <
c.mini <
else <
c.mini <
if not <
end <
client <
c:rais <
end <
end), <
awful.button({ }, 3, f <
if instance th <
instan <
instan <
else <
instan <
end <
end), <
awful.button({ }, 5, f <
awful.client.f <
if client.focu <
end) <
) <
for s = 1, screen.count() do <
mytasklist[s] = awful. <
mytaskbox[s] = awful.w <
mytaskbox[s].visible = <
local layout = wibox.l <
layout:set_left(mytask <
layout:set_right(syswi <
mytaskbox[s]:set_widge <
end <
-- Create Wibox <
mywibox = {} <
mypromptbox = {} <
mylayoutbox = {} <
mytaglist = {} <
mytaglist.buttons = awful.util <
awful.button({ }, 1, a <
awful.button({ modkey <
awful.button({ }, 3, a <
awful.button({ modkey <
awful.button({ }, 4, f <
awful.button({ }, 5, f <
) <
for s = 1, screen.count() do <
mypromptbox[s] = awful <
mylayoutbox[s] = awful <
mylayoutbox[s]:buttons <
awful.button({ <
awful.button({ <
awful.button({ <
awful.button({ <
)) <
mytaglist[s] = awful.w <
mywibox[s] = awful.wib <
-- Widgets to the left <
local left_layout = wi <
left_layout:add(mytagl <
left_layout:add(sepa) <
left_layout:add(mylaun <
left_layout:add(myprom <
left_layout:add(sepa) <
-- Widgets to the righ <
local right_layout = w <
--if s == 1 then right <
--right_layout:add(spa <
--right_layout:add(mpd <
--right_layout:add(sep <
--right_layout:add(sys <
--right_layout:add(sep <
--right_layout:add(sep <
--right_layout:add(sep <
right_layout:add(volum <
right_layout:add(sepa) <
--right_layout:add(spa <
right_layout:add(batwi <
--right_layout:add(sep <
--right_layout:add(myt <
right_layout:add(space <
--right_layout:add(myl <
local layout = center. <
layout:set_first(left_ <
--layout:set_middle(my <
layout:set_second(myte <
layout:set_third(right <
mywibox[s]:set_widget( | -- Re-set wallpaper when a scr
end | screen.connect_signal("propert
> awful.screen.connect_for_each_
> -- Wallpaper
> set_wallpaper(s)
> -- Each screen has its own
> awful.tag({ "1", "2", "3",
> -- Create a promptbox for
> s.mypromptbox = awful.widg
> -- Create an imagebox widg
> -- We need one layoutbox p
> s.mylayoutbox = awful.widg
> s.mylayoutbox:buttons(gear
> awf
> awf
> awf
> awf
> -- Create a taglist widget
> s.mytaglist = awful.widget
> screen = s,
> filter = awful.widget
> buttons = taglist_butt
> }
> -- Create a tasklist widge
> s.mytasklist = awful.widge
> screen = s,
> filter = awful.widget
> buttons = tasklist_but
> }
> -- Create the wibox
> s.mywibox = awful.wibar({
> -- Add widgets to the wibo
> s.mywibox:setup {
> layout = wibox.layout.
> { -- Left widgets
> layout = wibox.lay
> mylauncher,
> s.mytaglist,
> s.mypromptbox,
> },
> s.mytasklist, -- Middl
> { -- Right widgets
> layout = wibox.lay
> mykeyboardlayout,
> wibox.widget.systr
> mytextclock,
> s.mylayoutbox,
> },
> }
> end)
> -- }}}
-- Mouse Bindings | -- {{{ Mouse bindings
root.buttons(awful.util.ta | root.buttons(gears.table.join(
awful.button({ }, 3, funct awful.button({ }, 3, funct
awful.button({ }, 4, awful awful.button({ }, 4, awful
awful.button({ }, 5, awful awful.button({ }, 5, awful
)) | ))
| -- }}}
-- Key Bindings <
globalkeys = awful.util.ta <
-- Capture Screenshot <
--awful.key({ }, "Print", <
awful.key({ }, "Print", fu <
-- Move Clients <
awful.key({ altkey }, "Nex <
awful.key({ altkey }, "Pri <
awful.key({ altkey }, "Dow <
awful.key({ altkey }, "Up" <
awful.key({ altkey }, "Lef <
awful.key({ altkey }, "Rig <
awful.key({ modkey, <
awful.key({ modkey, <
awful.key({ modkey, <
awful.key({ modkey, <
function () <
awful.client.focus.byi <
if client.focus then c <
end), <
awful.key({ modkey, <
function () <
awful.client.focus.byi <
if client.focus then c <
end), <
awful.key({ modkey, <
-- Show/Hide Wibox <
awful.key({ modkey, "Contr <
mywibox[mouse.screen]. <
end), <
awful.key({ modkey }, "b", <
mytaskbox[mouse.screen <
end), <
-- Application switcher | -- {{{ Key bindings
awful.key({ altkey }, "Tab | globalkeys = gears.table.join(
-- If you want menu po | awful.key({ modkey,
awful.menu.menu_keys.d | {description="sh
local cmenu = awful.me | awful.key({ modkey,
end), | {description = "
> awful.key({ modkey,
> {description = "
> awful.key({ modkey,
> {description = "
> awful.key({ modkey,
> function ()
> awful.client.focus
> end,
> {description = "focus
> ),
> awful.key({ modkey,
> function ()
> awful.client.focus
> end,
> {description = "focus
> ),
> awful.key({ modkey,
> {description = "
-- Layout manipulation -- Layout manipulation
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift | awful.key({ modkey, "Shift
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift | {description = "
awful.key({ modkey, "Contr | awful.key({ modkey, "Shift
awful.key({ modkey, "Contr | {description = "
awful.key({ modkey | awful.key({ modkey, "Contr
awful.key({ modkey, | {description = "
function () | awful.key({ modkey, "Contr
awful.client.focus.his | {description = "
if client.focus then | awful.key({ modkey,
client.focus:raise | {description = "
end | awful.key({ modkey,
end), | function ()
> awful.client.focus
> if client.focus th
> client.focus:r
> end
> end,
> {description = "go bac
-- Standard program -- Standard program
awful.key({ modkey, | awful.key({ modkey,
awful.key({ modkey, "Contr | {description = "
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift | awful.key({ modkey, "Contr
awful.key({ modkey, | {description = "
awful.key({ modkey, | awful.key({ modkey, "Shift
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift | {description = "
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift |
awful.key({ modkey, "Contr | awful.key({ modkey,
awful.key({ modkey, "Contr | {description = "
awful.key({ modkey, | awful.key({ modkey,
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift | {description = "
awful.key({ modkey, "Cotro | awful.key({ modkey, "Shift
| {description = "
-- Dropdown terminal | awful.key({ modkey, "Shift
-- awful.key({ modkey, | {description = "
| awful.key({ modkey, "Contr
-- Widget popups | {description = "
-- awful.key({ altkey, | awful.key({ modkey, "Contr
| {description = "
-- Volume Control | awful.key({ modkey,
awful.key({ "Control" }, " | {description = "
awful.util.spawn("amix | awful.key({ modkey, "Shift
vicious.force({ volume | {description = "
end), |
awful.key({ "Control" }, " | awful.key({ modkey, "Contr
awful.util.spawn("amix | function ()
vicious.force({ volume | local c = aw
end), | -- Focus res
awful.key({ "Control" }, " | if c then
awful.util.spawn("amix | c:emit_sig
vicious.force({ volume | "reque
end), | )
awful.key({ "Control" }, " | end
awful.util.spawn("amix | end,
vicious.force({ volume | {description = "
end), <
-- Copy to clipboard <
awful.key({ modkey, <
-- User programs <
awful.key({ "Control", alt <
awful.key({ "Control", alt <
awful.key({ "Control", alt <
-- Prompt -- Prompt
awful.key({ modkey }, "r", | awful.key({ modkey },
> {description = "
awful.key({ modkey }, "x", awful.key({ modkey }, "x",
function () | function ()
awful.prompt.run({ pro | awful.prompt
mypromptbox[mouse.scre | prompt
awful.util.eval, nil, | textbox
awful.util.getdir("cac | exe_callba
end) | history_pa
) | }
> end,
> {description = "
> -- Menubar
> awful.key({ modkey }, "p",
> {description = "
> )
clientkeys = awful.util.ta | clientkeys = gears.table.join(
awful.key({ modkey, | awful.key({ modkey,
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift | function (c)
awful.key({ modkey, "Contr | c.fullscreen = not
awful.key({ modkey, "Contr | c:raise()
awful.key({ modkey, | end,
awful.key({ modkey, | {description = "toggle
> awful.key({ modkey, "Shift
> {description = "
> awful.key({ modkey, "Contr
> {description = "
> awful.key({ modkey, "Contr
> {description = "
> awful.key({ modkey,
> {description = "
> awful.key({ modkey,
> {description = "
awful.key({ modkey, awful.key({ modkey,
function (c) | function (c)
-- The client currentl | -- The client curr
-- minimized, since mi | -- minimized, sinc
c.minimized = true | c.minimized = true
end), | end ,
> {description = "minimi
awful.key({ modkey, awful.key({ modkey,
function (c) | function (c)
c.maximized_horizontal | c.maximized = not
c.maximized_vertical | c:raise()
| end ,
-- Patch :: No border | {description = "(un)ma
--[[if c.maximized_hor | awful.key({ modkey, "Contr
c.border_width = " | function (c)
local w_area = scr | c.maximized_vertic
c:geometry( { widt | c:raise()
else | end ,
c.border_width = b | {description = "(un)ma
end]]-- | awful.key({ modkey, "Shift
end) | function (c)
) | c.maximized_horizo
| c:raise()
| end ,
> {description = "(un)ma
> )
-- Bind all key numbers to | -- Bind all key numbers to tag
-- Be careful: we use keyc | -- Be careful: we use keycodes
-- This should map on the | -- This should map on the top
for i = 1, 9 do | for i = 1, 9 do
globalkeys = awful.uti | globalkeys = gears.table.j
> -- View tag only.
awful.key({ modkey }, awful.key({ modkey },
function () | function ()
local screen = mou | local
local tag = awful. | local
if tag then | if tag
awful.tag.view | tag
end | end
end), | end,
> {description
> -- Toggle tag display.
awful.key({ modkey, "C awful.key({ modkey, "C
function () | function ()
local screen = mou | local sc
local tag = awful. | local ta
if tag then | if tag t
awful.tag.view | awful
end | end
end), | end,
> {description
> -- Move client to tag.
awful.key({ modkey, "S awful.key({ modkey, "S
function () | function ()
local tag = awful. | if clien
if client.focus an | loca
awful.client.m | if t
end |
end), | end
> end
> end,
> {description
> -- Toggle tag on focus
awful.key({ modkey, "C awful.key({ modkey, "C
function () | function ()
local tag = awful. | if clien
if client.focus an | loca
awful.client.t | if t
end |
end)) | end
end | end
> end,
> {description
> )
> end
clientbuttons = awful.util | clientbuttons = gears.table.jo
awful.button({ }, 1, funct | awful.button({ }, 1, funct
awful.button({ modkey }, 1 | c:emit_signal("request
awful.button({ modkey }, 3 | end),
| awful.button({ modkey }, 1
| c:emit_signal("request
-- Set keys | awful.mouse.client.mov
root.keys(globalkeys) | end),
| awful.button({ modkey }, 3
| c:emit_signal("request
-- Rules | awful.mouse.client.res
awful.rules.rules = { | end)
-- All clients will ma | )
{ rule = { }, <
properties = { border_ <
border_color = bea <
focus = awful.clie <
keys = clientkeys, <
buttons = clientbu <
size_hints_honor = <
--{ rule = { class = " <
-- properties = { flo <
{ rule = { class = "Gi <
properties = { flo <
{ rule = { class = "Ga <
properties = { flo <
{ rule = { class = "Pl <
properties = { flo <
-- Set Firefox to alwa <
-- { rule = { class = <
-- properties = { ta <
} <
> -- Set keys
> root.keys(globalkeys)
> -- }}}
> -- {{{ Rules
> -- Rules to apply to new clien
> awful.rules.rules = {
> -- All clients will match
> { rule = { },
> properties = { border_wi
> border_co
> focus = a
> raise = t
> keys = cl
> buttons =
> screen =
> placement
> }
> },
> -- Floating clients.
> { rule_any = {
> instance = {
> "DTA", -- Firefox a
> "copyq", -- Include
> "pinentry",
> },
> class = {
> "Arandr",
> "Blueman-manager",
> "Gpick",
> "Kruler",
> "MessageWin", -- ka
> "Sxiv",
> "Tor Browser", -- Ne
> "Wpa_gui",
> "veromix",
> "xtightvncviewer"},
> -- Note that the name
> -- and the name shown
> name = {
> "Event Tester", --
> },
> role = {
> "AlarmWindow", -- T
> "ConfigManager", --
> "pop-up", -- e
> }
> }, properties = { floati
-- Signals | -- Add titlebars to normal
-- Signal function to execute | { rule_any = {type = { "no
client.connect_signal("manage" | }, properties = { titleb
-- Enable sloppy focus | },
c:connect_signal("mouse::e |
if awful.layout.get(c. | -- Set Firefox to always m
and awful.client.f | -- { rule = { class = "Fir
client.focus = c | -- properties = { screen
end | }
end) | -- }}}
if not startup then | -- {{{ Signals
-- Set the windows at | -- Signal function to execute
-- i.e. put it at the | client.connect_signal("manage"
-- awful.client.setsla | -- Set the windows at the
| -- i.e. put it at the end
-- Put windows in a sm | -- if not awesome.startup
if not c.size_hints.us |
awful.placement.no | if awesome.startup
awful.placement.no | and not c.size_hints.use
end | and not c.size_hints.pro
> -- Prevent clients fro
> awful.placement.no_off
end end
> end)
local titlebars_enabled = | -- Add a titlebar if titlebars
if titlebars_enabled and ( | client.connect_signal("request
-- buttons for the tit | -- buttons for the titleba
local buttons = awful. | local buttons = gears.tabl
awful.button({ | awful.button({ }, 1, f
client.foc | c:emit_signal("req
c:raise() | awful.mouse.client
awful.mous | end),
end), | awful.button({ }, 3, f
awful.button({ | c:emit_signal("req
client.foc | awful.mouse.client
c:raise() | end)
awful.mous | )
end) <
) <
-- Widgets that are al | awful.titlebar(c) : setup
local left_layout = wi | { -- Left
left_layout:add(awful. | awful.titlebar.wid
left_layout:buttons(bu | buttons = buttons,
| layout = wibox.la
-- Widgets that are al | },
local right_layout = w | { -- Middle
right_layout:add(awful | { -- Title
right_layout:add(awful | align = "cent
right_layout:add(awful | widget = awful
right_layout:add(awful | },
right_layout:add(awful | buttons = buttons,
| layout = wibox.la
-- The title goes in t | },
local middle_layout = | { -- Right
local title = awful.ti | awful.titlebar.wid
title:set_align("cente | awful.titlebar.wid
middle_layout:add(titl | awful.titlebar.wid
middle_layout:buttons( | awful.titlebar.wid
| awful.titlebar.wid
-- Now bring it all to | layout = wibox.lay
local layout = wibox.l | },
layout:set_left(left_l | layout = wibox.layout.
layout:set_right(right | }
layout:set_middle(midd | end)
awful.titlebar(c):set_ | -- Enable sloppy focus, so tha
end | client.connect_signal("mouse::
> c:emit_signal("request::ac
end) end)
client.connect_signal("focus", client.connect_signal("focus",
client.connect_signal("unfocus client.connect_signal("unfocus
/ -- }}}
$ diff rc.lua rc_default.lua -y -W 70 > diff_rc_twily_rc_default.log
twily jul 2024