So you've stumbled upon this site and having no idea what you're looking at?
Well first off;
Me to the left, owner and creator of this website/Twily.
This website was created as part of a desktop ricing/customization community on 4chans technology board, it has since been left here in the open for me and others to use when I(we) need.
I am no longer active in this community however, I may still add things here for me and anyone who could find it useful, it is simply an archive of files/configs with a focus on linux in general.
Many things here may be outdated, but you may be able to salvage some, use it as guidelines, a framework to build on, or maybe just inspiration for your projects etc..
So where have I been? I used to work a factory job back when i was active with community over at /g/, but then 4chan turned me gay and i had to transition to shemale^.^
I began my transition officially with hormones around summer 2016, by christmas i was getting increasingly depressed with the factory place and I quit it early 2017.
By then I had already started my cam career as a trans girl on chaturbate both because I loved doing it and it was a substitute to live off.
Now it's been over 3 years since I started my career in cam and partly porn - I shot for Grooby back in August 2019 and loved it.
(So if there is any pervert out here that want to see me naked and stuffed you are free to visit my other website[18+] for more info on that x)
Anyway, hope you enjoy your visit here, use the sitemap to search files easy, leave a message in the chat if you want ~