3 months ago• 154
user www-data;
worker_processes 1;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
# twily nginx stream configs for use with
# nginx-rtmp-module and/or nginx-srt-module
# (compile with pcre and ssl)
stream {
# #server {
# # listen 1935;
# # proxy_pass localhost:1936;
# #}
server {
srt_proxy_pass srt://localhost:6001;
#proxy_bind $remote_addr transparent;
#proxy_pass localhost:6001;
#proxy_protocol on;
error_log /home/amalie/nginx/logs/srt_error.log debug;
# SRT -> TCP proxy
srt {
server {
listen 6000;
proxy_pass tcp://localhost:6002;
#proxy_protocol on;
error_log /home/amalie/nginx/logs/srt_error.log debug;
# TCP -> SRT proxy
#stream {
# server {
# listen;
# srt_proxy_pass srt://localhost:6002;
# }
#rtmp {
# server {
# listen 1935; # Listen on standard RTMP port
# chunk_size 4000;
# application show {
# live on;
# # Turn on HLS
# hls on;
# hls_path /mnt/hls/;
# hls_fragment 3;
# hls_playlist_length 60;
# # disable consuming the stream from nginx as rtmp
# deny play all;
# }
# }
rtmp {
server {
listen 1935;
chunk_size 4096;
#allow play;
allow play all;
application p_12345678 { # main, with record 30sec file
# name = game mediasoup instream.js
live on;
#record off;
meta copy;
interleave on;
wait_key on;
publish_notify on;
drop_idle_publisher 10s;
sync 10ms;
respawn off;
play_restart on;
idle_streams off;
record all;
record_path /mnt/rec;
record_interval 30s;
#record_unique on; # store full?
exec_record_done bash -c "sh /home/amalie/analiestar.com/nginx/makethumb.sh $name";
push rtmp://localhost/$app/$name;
exec_kill_signal term;
#exec_push /home/amalie/analiestar.com/nginx_/pushrtmprtp.sh "$app" "$name";
exec_publish_done /home/amalie/analiestar.com/nginx_/killrtmppush.sh "$app" "$name";
application p_23456789 { # guest ? no record
# name = guest mediasoup instream.js
live on;
record off;
meta copy;
interleave on;
wait_key on;
publish_notify on;
drop_idle_publisher 10s;
sync 10ms;
respawn off;
play_restart on;
idle_streams off;
push rtmp://localhost/$app/$name;
exec_kill_signal term;
#exec_push /home/amalie/analiestar.com/nginx_/pushrtmprtp.sh "$app" "$name";
#exec_publish_done /home/amalie/analiestar.com/nginx_/killrtmppush.sh "$app" "$name";
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